Raising the Roof

'And again their voices rang out: 

    “Praise the Lord!
       The smoke from that city ascends forever and ever!” 

Then the twenty-four elders and the four living beings fell down and worshiped God, who was sitting on the throne.

They cried out, “Amen! Praise the Lord!” 

And from the throne came a voice that said, 

   “Praise our God,
       all his servants,
    all who fear him,
       from the least to the greatest.” 

Then I heard again what sounded like the shout of a vast crowd or the roar of mighty ocean waves or the crash of loud thunder: 

   “Praise the Lord!
       For the Lord our God, the Almighty, reigns.'
Revelation 19:3-6 (NLT)

Sitting behind the drum set at church one Sunday I was encouraged by the number of people that were joining in to sing during the praise and worship part of the service. The worshipers. Every week. And again their voices rang out! Praise the Lord!' Their voices sounded like a loud crash of thunder. That's what it takes. God deserves to be noticed. They are forever grateful for the things that He has done for them. Just like those around the Throne, that crowd of saints are the ones that never forget to thank Him. There are so many more like them all over the world! Amen!

And for those who don't notice Him; it's the looking around, it's the looking down, it's the moving about and the get me through this crowd. They seem embarrassed by the exuberance and the sounds. Don't they get it? Those were the kids that forgot to thank you for the gift as a child that grew up to be the adults that take you for granted now as well. Even now. There they are. What do they need to wake them up? Cold water in the face perhaps? Wash your face this morning in praise, please!

Praise Him! We should never be so smug towards Jesus that we miss an opportunity to worship Him. He is the One who has saved us and He is coming back to do it again! How can we deny His greatness for He has liberated us and our entire household?

We should never cease to acknowledge and to be amazed by our God. He is our provider and our protector. He has destroyed the evil City and the smoke from that city ascends forever and ever.

We should never miss an opportunity to thank the Holy Spirit. He is the One who has healed us. How can we forget what He has done? He healed us before and He has the power to raise us from the dead.

We should erupt in a loud shout of praise that would raise the roof. How can we be so reserved when we know that God loves the eager worshipers and is disappointed by those who refuse to thank Him? He expects our gratitude. Send up a hallelujah. Praise God! For the Lord our God, the Almighty, reigns! Amen!

'Commit whatever grieves thee
Into the gracious hands
Of Him who never leaves thee,
Who heaven and earth commands;
Who points the clouds their courses,
Whom winds and waves obey,
He will direct they footsteps
And find for thee a way.
            --Paul Gerhardt 
Source: 'Drummingthemessagehome', December 29, 2019 blog post.

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