No Clothes' Culture

'So stop telling lies. Let us tell our neighbors the truth, for we are all parts of the same body.' Ephesians 4:25 (NLT)

I am beginning to see cracks in the armor of this wicked culture. I am beginning to get tired of the lies. Can't you feel it too? So many people in this culture are beginning to get bored with the media and the academy and big business and big pharma and religion and the government officials that are pushing so hard to support that which we know is not true. Why are they all lying to us? Many of us in this culture are beginning to see where those that set out to deceive and are the liar-pushers of the day are trying to take us.

The lie. It sounds so good at first. A little lie. A bit of truth perhaps. If it sounds too good to be true then it probably isn't!  It's not that easy to live in a culture that is all about deception. No one likes to be deceived. You can't build a culture on a foundation of lies. Lies take us down the road that no one wants to go. Lies take us down the road to hell on earth. Lies. Lies. Lies. It's hurtful. It always ends badly. It is a form of insanity.. For the believers, we are all part of the same body and we are all part of the human race. That is why my very own dad taught me that I should never lie.

I never thought I would live to see the day and I am so glad that dad didn't have to, when so many people believe so many things that are not true. To tell a lie is to exhibit one of the earliest exposed character weaknesses. The liar, with power and authority over us, believes the lie and sets out to deceive, because he can't trust the rest of us to be able to handle the Truth. He has much to gain. He doesn't want to lose his influence and power over us, so he suppresses the truth by telling the lie. Over and over and over again. Repeat it and hope that we will believe it. Get us to question what we have known. Until it is exposed. It's about to be exposed. There is hope.

I can handle the Truth, can't you? I can handle the truth, if you give me a chance. I prefer to know the truth. I can make better decisions for myself. To believe the lie is to be deceived. The Truth has set me free in so many ways. Some of us know what the rest of us do not care to confront. This country is ruled by the people. There is a right way. There is a wrong way. Truth exists. We have a President.  Some of us want to take the rest of us back to the days of kings. Where it's easier to push a lie. Where we don't have to think. Few want to lead. Where mob rules. Where common sense is rare and we aren't expected to know much therefore can't be held to account. Where you can do and believe anything that you want. Community saved! But what if the community is wrong?

'This new king has no clothes.' I must push back against the deceiver. The new king does not want me to be free. The new king knows it and still can't seem to want to put an end to it because that might mean that he will look stupid for the moment. You can take it king, even though we know that you are lazy and that you have lost it. You can take it. You've given it for way too long. You can take it, for a moment of shame is worth a lifetime of living with guilt and your lack of self-worth. Spare me the pity stare. You have been exposed. Your ideas are worthless. Who would want to live this way? You have failed me. You can't borrow yourself into prosperity. The 60's are about to run their course. You were made for so much more!

More and more of us are finding our way back to Jesus. The body of believers know the Truth. We've known it for some time now. We have been given this great gift of salvation and that gift includes a purpose in life that is meaningful. For we have found the Jesus in this Judeo-Christian culture of ours. Jesus is the Truth-teller. Jesus is the One that will set you free. Jesus is about to rise again and restore a culture that has lost its way. The pendulum is swinging back. Love is returning to us. It's what we've always known. He is what we need. 'So stop telling lies'.

The world needs Jesus. When I decided to follow Jesus, my focus was on Him and off of the things of the world. It was easy to see and to hear the lies of the anti-Christ. I began to believe in the things that I already knew in my spirit to be true. I did not have to lie to myself. I began to untangle from everything that was not the truth. I began to seek and to hunger for the things of righteousness and dismiss the flattery and deception of the world. Every evil and worthless doctrine became exposed. Knowing Jesus comes at a cost, but I believe that there is nothing much of earthly value to lose but so much more of eternal value to gain. God's people hate lies. God's people love the Truth teller. There are more of us then there are of them.

For the first sign of sin in our youth is the sin of lying and when we go along with it we let the devil in. Lying then, leads us to a place where clear thinking people do not want to go. Telling the lie, and then believing in the lie is the first signs of the danger that is to come. Little lies lead to big lies. Little sins lead to big sins. This is why we should become wise to the liar. This is why we should resist the deceiver. This is why we should be lead by the Holy Spirit to always tell the truth and to never tell a lie. The lie stops with me.

I cannot tell a lie. The Holy Spirit comforts me. The Holy Spirit guides me. Do not tell a lie. Do not steal. Idleness leads to stealing. Lying leads to wickedness and is a heathen-vice and is evidence of a fallen humanity. Sadly. Lying has damaging effects on my life. It's never a good thing. It can effect my mental health and it destroys relationships. Evidence. Guilt is all around me. There is much work to be done. When I fall, there is always hope that I can rise up and be better next time. I can change. I can walk away from the lies. I can walk towards Truth. I can know the Truth. I can pray. I can be set free.

Dear Father. Help us. Help us to hear You. Help us to fear You and to turn back to You. Confront our laziness, our wickedness and our lies. Forgive us when we fail You. We need You in this day to shine Your Light of Truth on us. Expose the darkness. Clothe us in Your Righteousness. Restore us. Restore sanity. Set up Your Kingdom in our hearts. We will give You all the Glory. In Jesus's name. Amen

Source: 'Drummingthemessagehome', December 28, 2019 blog post.

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