
Tree of Life

  'Hope deferred makes the heart sick,   but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life.' Proverbs 13:12 (NRSV) Nothing energizing me more than hope. Hope is the passion that drives me on through the storms. I can have hope in something good and when I see that vision in my mind, I can do much in order to achieve that thing that I have kept dear to my heart. That desire, when it has become a reality is what brings me the greatest joy. That desire, when it is never fulfilled or lived out is what brings me to despair.  Hope keeps my dreams alive. Hope is what keeps me going in life. Having the faith in my dreams is what I need to find my purpose and to be fulfilled. When I lose the faith, I've lost the hope. When I lose the dream, I've lost the desire to work towards it even if for one more minute. Crushing blow that deferral of hope is to me. My heart is sick. No turning back to it. It is finished.  New directions and new dreams, hope restored. Thankfully, l

The Good Life Way

'Bless the Lord , O my soul, and all that is within me,   bless his holy name.   Bless the Lord , O my soul,   and do not forget all his benefits who forgives all your iniquity,   who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the Pit,   who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy who satisfies you with good as long as you live so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s. The Lord works vindication   and justice for all who are oppressed. He made known his ways to Moses,   his acts to the people of Israel. The Lord is merciful and gracious,   slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. He will not always accuse, nor will he keep his anger forever.   He does not deal with us according to our sins, nor repay us according to our iniquities.   For as the heavens are high above the earth,   so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear him;   as far as the east is from the west,   so far he removes our transgressions from us.   As a father ha

Praise for Deliverance

  'I will praise the Lord at all times, his praise is always on my lips. My whole being praises the Lord .   The poor will hear and be glad. Glorify the Lord with me,   and let us praise his name together. I asked the Lord for help, and he answered me.   He saved me from all that I feared. Those who go to him for help are happy,   and they are never disgraced.' Psalm 34:1-5 (NCV)  Daddy, teach me your ways! And He does. He teaches me His ways and in His Kingdom He always goes first. Heavenly Father says, first, we praise. Not only that but He teaches me to praise Him at all times. My lips are to be praising Him always. Even in my distress it is what I am to do. Even before I cry out to Him in anguish it is where I am to go. Do it first. It is His Divine order of approach. I can approach Him with lips of praise for He is worthy. Even during my most difficult situations and in my poverty, I am to search for and to think on these things until s

Someone to Praise and Something to Sing About

'O my soul, come, praise the Eternal with all that is in me—body, emotions, mind, and will—every part of who I am—praise His holy name. O my soul, come, praise the Eternal; sing a song from a grateful heart; sing and never forget all the good He has done. Despite all your many offenses, He forgives and releases you. More than any doctor, He heals your diseases. He reaches deep into the pit to deliver you from death. He crowns you with unfailing love and compassion like a king. When your soul is famished and withering, He fills you with good and beautiful things, satisfying you as long as you live. He makes you strong like an eagle, restoring your youth. When people are crushed, wronged, enslaved, raped, murdered, the Eternal is just; He makes the wrongs right. Psalm 103:1-6 (VOICE)   Even the sin of forgetfulness is forgiven. My God is a merciful God. He loves me. Do not forget this:       1. He forgives me of all of my sins,       2. He heals me of all my dise


' I’ve written this letter to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you will be assured and know without a doubt that you have eternal life.   Since we have this confidence, we can also have great boldness before him, for if we present any request agreeable to his will, he will hear us.  And if we know that he hears us in whatever we ask, we also know that we have obtained the requests we ask of him.' 1 John 5:13-15 (TPT)   W hen John wrote this Epistle about an eternal truth to the believer it was in regards to the power and assurances we can all have that Jesus saves us for eternity  Then, with this power comes the assurances and with that the confidence in the power of prayer that is given to us from God. When we pray in his will He hears us. When we pray in His name we know that we have the request we ask of Him already! If so, then why, if this being a rule for all is this principle not being applied by us all everywhere and under every ci

An Amazing Room With a View

  'There are many rooms in my Father’s house; I would not tell you this if it were not true. I am going there to prepare a place for you' John 14:2 (NCV)  H eaven is a big place. The house where I will live has many rooms and will accommodate all of my family and friends. Jesus is working on His Father's house right now. It's a labor of love. He is Lord and He was a carpenter by profession. He knows what He is doing. He is in no hurry. The project is so big, that it is going to take Him some time to complete it. This last weekend reminded me of what He might be doing there in heaven while He intercedes and waits for me. His Father's house has many rooms and mine may be in need of some TLC. He may be preparing it for me right now. I bet Jesus even picked out my room Himself. I trust Him that He could see the potential of the place He bought for me in heaven, and so could I. He has my heart in mind when He put his hands to the task of preparing th

Hymns of Praise

Praise the Lord! Psalm 150:1 (EHV) No matter what I am going through, this is what He calls me to do. He is working through all things and everyone to bring about the redemption of us all! How can I ignore Him? How can I deny that He controls it all and that He is about His Father's business? So, I am to recognize Him as Lord and to thank Him for everything. I am to praise Him with my strong faith and with my Hymns and songs of praise. I am to praise Him with my devotion and love. I am to praise Him with my service. With everything that I've got, I will praise the Lord! Dear Father Thank you for Your Word. Today I praise you and pray for my children. No matter what they are going through, please fill them with Your unfailing love. Send mercy and grace. Return Joy. Build Faith. In Jesus name. Amen. Source: 'Drummingthemessagehome', June 23, 2019, reposted.